How to use Kid Family English

Kid Family English is a story

so whether you are a beginner or advanced, always start with the first chapter and then continue.

Jak používat aplikaci

Start by listening to the story (STORY)

Go through the story and if you don’t understand something (you can’t tell what is being said from the picture), ask someone to explain it. If you don’t have the option, you can search for unknown words in the dictionary. Or go on and you will understand in a moment.

When learning a foreign language, you often have to guess from the context what a particular word or certain grammatical phenomenon means – it’s not that every time or everything can be searched for in a dictionary or language handbook. Over time, your feeling will tell you what is important for immediate understanding and what is not so important.

Go to QUESTIONS and try answering

We have prepared a few questions for each picture and situation. When you’re ready, start responding. If you do not feel comfortable yet, listen to the correct answers and try to understand them. When you’re ready, try the short yes/no answers, and you can answer the whole sentence later.

Compare your answer with the response of the native speakers. Take your time. Stay in one chapter for a week or more until you understand everything well.

Jak používat aplikaci
Jak používat aplikaci

Go to QUESTIONS and try answering

We have prepared a few questions for each picture and situation. When you’re ready, start responding. If you do not feel comfortable yet, listen to the correct answers and try to understand them. When you’re ready, try the short yes/no answers, and you can answer the whole sentence later.

Compare your answer with the response of the native speakers. Take your time. Stay in one chapter for a week or more until you understand everything well.

Jak používat aplikaci

Proceed by listening to the story from the mouth of one of the heroes of the story (STORY TOLD BY JIM, BEN, WENDY, etc.)

This section is important for you to learn and practice the 1st person in singular as well as in plural; you need to know and manage “I, we, my, ours, etc.”

In the next step you will become one of the heroes of the story and help them answer questions (HELP JIM, BEN, WENDY… ANSWER THE QUESTIONS)

You will intensively practice 1st and 2nd person singular and plural and repeat the vocabulary from the given lesson. You can start listening again, then add short answers and finally answer with whole sentences.

Jak používat aplikaci
Jak používat aplikaci

In the next step you will become one of the heroes of the story and help them answer questions (HELP JIM, BEN, WENDY… ANSWER THE QUESTIONS)

You will intensively practice 1st and 2nd person singular and plural and repeat the vocabulary from the given lesson. You can start listening again, then add short answers and finally answer with whole sentences.

And when you’re ready, head to the next chapter.

What is the price and where can I buy the app?

The app costs CZK 429 (EUR 18.99).

That is about the same as you would pay for 1 hour with a private tutor. Or for 2 tickets for the movies.

You pay the amount when you download the app, which will then be yours forever (as long as Google and Apple stay in business 🙂 The app is ad-free and works offline. Therefore, it is completely safe for your kids, too.

You can only purchase the app on Google Play and the App Store: